Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 9 - Holy F*^&%*ing Sh!t

Day 2 of P90 - Phase 1/2 Cardio and Abs.  I had to wuss out of SO much of the first half of it where there is bouncing and jumping and jumping jacks and more bouncing.  My legs are burning still, 30 minutes after finishing. 2nd half of kickboxing, which I love.  Then the abs part.  I didn't realize how far my abs extend up to my chest.  Ridiculous.  After modifying the crap out of the workout and not doing as many reps as the dvd did, I am still feeling like I won't be able to walk tomorrow. I will be happy to be able to sit up in the morning. Holy sh!t.  But hey, this is what I wanted right?  I also want to be able to walk, but I'll walk when I'm skinny.

In other news, I went out for a lovely lunch with a coworker to Cosi - got a "light" salad.  Didn't do research.  14 freaking points.  Light my arse.  The fact that there is bacon in the salad should have been a clue, but I was so excited to go out to lunch that I didn't think straight.  Again, lesson relearned.  Do research before going out to eat.

So at the end of the day, with a couple Activity points factored in, I used up my daily points plus 2 flex points.  I want to save as much of the flex for the weekend since we have a tendency to go out for dinner and lunch once or twice and that is when I will tend to be a little bad. But 2 of the 49 flex points is acceptable. 

I am getting more and more sore as I sit here.  Mark may have to carry me to bed.  Actually, I'm still 190 lbs, maybe he'll have to drag me.  Roll me down the hall and I will use the last little bit of energy in me to crawl into bed and pass out.  Shoes still on - because removing them would be way too much effort.

In somewhat related news, I'm sitting here watching the Biggest Loser.  And NOT eating, like I have every other episode ever. 

I just coughed, and my abs hurt.  Cripes.

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